Welcome to The Zinthiya Trust 

Our mission is to provide information, advice and practical support to alleviate poverty and abuse. We are a registered charity providing support to people living in Leicester and Leicestershire and our service is open to everyone. 

Our support service is aimed at making our service users more secure financially, emotionally & physically and ensure they can lead fulfilling lives. 

Domestic abuse, honour-based violence & FGM 
We support women and girls experiencing or at risk of all types of abuse including psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse. We provide one-to-one bespoke support, information, advice, guidance, mentoring, group sessions and training including the Freedom Programme. 
We provide practical support to help people to improve their financial position. This includes information, advice and guidance with energy, money, debt, and benefits issues. We provide support to reduce household bills, maximise income, deal with problem debt, improve financial skills, improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel and food poverty and apply for grants to help with white goods and furniture to set up home. In addition, we offer opportunities to develop skills through work placements, volunteering opportunities and support to get people into employment. 

We’re taking part in Big Energy Saving Network.  Find out how you can Check, Switch and Save on your energy bills today 

Confidential support for survivors and those at risk of 
by providing advice, guidance and practical support to transform lives in Leicester and Leicestershire. 
Confidential support for survivors and those at risk of 
by providing advice, guidance and practical support to transform lives in Leicester and Leicestershire. 
We provide a free, completely confidential service that can help you transform your life.  
We offer advice on a wide range of issues, including skills development and career guidance.  
We run regular drop in services and a mentoring scheme. 

16 Days of Activism campaign 

It’s that time of year again when the Center for Women’s Global Leadership launches its 16 Days of Activism campaign. It’s part of their goal to eliminate gender-based violence. 

Reduce Child Poverty in Leicestershire 

This campaign will raise funds to help Leicestershire families to become more financially resilient and to reduce child poverty by helping families maximise income, reduce bills, prevent evictions and improve financial resilience. 

Major concerns over domestic abuse 

Here at the Zinithiya Trust we are working hard to put measures in place to help those who might be risk whilst adapting to the new and developing situation. You can read the full article published in the Leicester Mercury. 

Keep up-to-date with our latest news 

Subscribe to our monthly e-news for the latest project news, events and more.